Together for good backpack drive

Together for Good relies on the support of local churches like Catalyst to help families get their kids off to a strong start by purchasing and delivering school supplies.  

As an organization, each time Together For Good presents these opportunities to deliver a gift to a family, they pray that God will open a door to fellowship and a relationship with Jesus as a result. They are continually amazed as families circle back and take the opportunity to try church for the first time, reconnect with Together for Good, or to just share of the love they have felt. These deliveries all happen in the context of a relationship that is being formed through the context of the local body of Christ.

At Catalyst, our goal for this Fall is to outfit two local families (five kids total) with the following:
  •  Backpack
  • Water Bottle
  • One pack of pencils (sharpened)
  • One small pack of markers
  • One small pack of crayons
  • Glue Sticks
  • School Scissors
  • Empty two pocket folders
  • Spiral bound wide-ruled notebook

Backpack 1: Kindergarten girl
Backpack 2: Kindergarten boy
Backpack 3: 3rd grade girl
Backpack 4: 7th grade boy
Backpack 5: 8th grade girl

TFG's hope is that the backpacks will be delivered and include an invitation to church along with the offer of a ride. If you prefer to provide just the backpack and supplies, we are inviting others to get involved by volunteering to do a delivery and/or provide a ride to church.